Food in Vang Vieng

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One of the things we enjoyed most in this town was the food. A highlight is definitely the fast food in Vang Vieng. You have a lot of choices, it’s cheap and also really tasty. Of course, fast food is not everything there is to eat in Vang Vieng. In addition to local food, there is also a lot of food from foreign countries. Whether you prefer Asian or Western food, you should find something that appeals your taste. Only for fine dining Vang Vieng is not optimal. There are a few choices but most of the food is for a different clientel. Better for you, if you aren’t into spending much money. We personally didn’t miss anything and we really love eating.

Where you can eat in Vang Vieng

There are many choices for eating in this beautiful mountain town. Street food is one option. There are a lot of street stalls on every corner.  You’ll find a lot of cheap and tasty food there. The same applies for the markets. If you aren’t much into street food or just want something else, you can also go to the restaurants. Most of them aren’t much more expensive. There are also some bars where you can get something to eat. Usually you don’t have a wide selection there. But if you want to drink a few beers and just satisfy your hunger, the bars are not a bad option. Besides all this, there are cafes and even bakeries. As you can see, you’ll definitely not starve.

vang vieng food stalls

Cost of food in Vang Vieng

Most of the food in Vang Vieng is cheap. However, there are a few exceptions. These are mainly the restaurants in high-class hotels. Sometimes even inconspicuous restaurants can be a little more expensive.  Well, there are not many such restaurants and since you usually can check the prices at the menu outside, it shouldn’t be a problem anyway. All in all, the food in Vang Vieng is cheap. In our opinion even cheaper than in Vientiane, although the capital is far less touristy. Since many of the tourists in Vang Vieng are backpackers, that’s a good thing. More money left to spend on the fun activities and wild parties.

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