There are far more dangerous jungle trekking sites than Vang Vieng. Still, that doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be careful. Nature is always dangerous and merciless. Theoretically, it’s enough if you stumble and break something. If no one else is with you, that can mean your death. Sounds a bit dramatic, but it can happen. However, dangerous animals aren’t really a thing in Vang Vieng. There are some dangerous animals in Laos but as far as we know in the jungle of Vang Vieng you only have to worry about snakes and monkeys. If you get bitten by either of them you should go to the hospital as fast as possible. Well, we have never heard of such incidents. The deaths of tourists had other reasons.
Whatever, there are some things you should be careful with. For example, you should definitely avoid walking through the jungle at night. Not even the locals do that. For a good reason. It is very dangerous. Either way, you should always have a flashlight ready for an emergency. If you explore certain caves, they’re indispensable anyway. Furthermore, sturdy shoes are important. They will prevent you from stumbling and injuring yourself. As you can see, there are quite a few dangers. But that shouldn’t stop you from jungle trekking. Just check our list above and you should be fine.