You don’t have to worry about your safety. However, it’s important that you follow the instructions of the guides. Otherwise, it could happen that you hurt yourself. However, this is generally very unlikely. Especially, as already mentioned, if you listen to the guides. You won’t fall down anyway. If anything happens, then only because you slam into the end of the line. In our opinion you can’t hurt yourself seriously, unless you act really stupid. We did ziplining with larger groups several times and really, absolutely nothing ever happened to anyone. Also not to the children or older people. And one more thing: You have safety equipment throughout the activity. So it’s virtually impossible for you to fall down. However, you should be careful when taking photos. Because if your phone falls down, it’s lost in the deep jungle and you’ll never see it again. That’s something you really have to be aware about. Quite a few tourists have dropped their brand new iPhone and then shed bitter tears.