If you manage to get up early, which is not a matter of course on vacation, you shouldn’t miss the morning market in Luang Prabang. It’s open since the early morning and you should go there between 6 am and 7 am. We really don’t recommend going much later than 7 am, since we arrived around that time and it was already quite full and the first stands were slowly being dismantled. Unlike the night market in Luang Prabang, the morning market is less for tourists and more for locals. You may even see some things that could really shock you.
- More authentic and local then the night market
- Most goods are very affordable
- Good to find something for breakfast
- An enjoyable and special cultural experience
- Great for taking pictures and buying souvenirs
In the above picture you get an impression of the morning market. As you can see, there are quite many locals there. It’s a whole different atmosphere than in the night market. There a lot of grains, vegetables and fish, but that’s by far not everything you can find there. Just scroll down and take a look at our pictures. You’ll definitely know what we’re talking about.
What you can buy at Luang Prabangs morning market
We found the morning market to be much more exciting than the night market. It’s more locally oriented and has quite an interesting selection. Let’s take a look at some of the things you can buy there.
Fruits and vegetables
A wide variety of fruits and vegetables are sold in the morning market. If you’re looking for something healthy that’s the best choice. Prices for fruits and vegetables are very cheap. Even if you’ve to pay tourist prices and take a lot of fruits, you still don’t pay a lot. As far as we know, only durian is quite expensive, but that‘s also the case in Thailand.
Exotic animals

In these pictures we see some rodents and birds. Except for the chickens and the rooster, we don’t know exactly what the other animals are, but some of them seem to be squirrels. In any case, one can say that there are some exotic animals that many people would not consider food.
Honeycombs with larvae

We guess the same applies to this picture. What you can see are honeycombs with larvae inside. Some of us may like honey, but larvae aren’t on everyone’s menu. However, you shouldn’t get the wrong impression now. The morning market in Luang Prabang doesn’t only offer exotic animals and honeycombs with larvae, but also some other things and many of them are suitable for a delicious breakfast.
sticky rice cakes
One option that’s also good for vegetarians are this fried sticky rice cakes. They’re a very popular type of food in Northern Thailand and most of Laos. Since most vendors usually use eggs to fry the sticky rice the dish isn’t suitable for vegans. Everyone else should really try it. Fried sticky rice is a very cheap, delicious, and authentic local snack.
and Meats
This picture should appeal to every meat-lover among us. The morning market in Luang Prabang offers a huge selection of Lao sausages and other meats like chicken, pork, and beef steaks. If you want, you can also buy some ready-cooked side dishes. Not a bad choice if you like meat and have no problem with eating inside your hotel.
Herbs and
Everyone who likes to cook will be happy with the selection of herbs and spices. The morning market in Luang Prabang offers quite a variety in those terms. You can find some exotic herbs and cook on site or bring them home as a souvenir. Just be careful with the chilies, since some sorts are really spicy. Especially since the morning market is not that touristy.
A good tea is just perfect to end a nice vacation day and it’s also great option if you’re looking for a souvenir. In this regard, Luang Prabang generally has a good selection to offer and the morning market is definitely no exception. Since it’s more local, you can even get better prices here. In any case most of the teas are really cheap and have a good quality. You should try one or two.
to find the morning market in Luang Prabang
If you want to visit the market, which we believe is a must on any longer trip in Luang Prabang, you should have it easy to find your way. Most of the hotels are located in the city center and we assume that yours will too. The town itself isn’t too big and all you have to do is go to the Royal Palace. From there, I would recommend you simply pull out your smartphone and let yourself be navigated to the morning market. The market is only a few minutes away. If you don’t have internet, you can just ask for directions and head for a short walk. If you are in one of the resorts out of town you should arrive at the morning market within not more than 20 to 30 minutes.
We can’t tell you about the exact opening times and if you look at the different sources of information, you’ll know why. For example, Google states that the morning market in Luang Prabang is open 24 hours 7 days a week. Other sources say the morning market is open until the afternoon. We don’t agree with both. Certainly there are still a few stalls left. However, if you want to see the really authentic morning market, you’ll have to get up early. Between 6 am and 7 am the market should be the most busy. After that, many vendors are no longer there. Until 8 am you still can see quite few a thing, but after that in our opinion it’s really not the same experience.